
Exemple de fichier /etc/init.d/ pour unicorn

Voici un exemple de configuration pour démarrer unicorn en mode service.


Les fichiers sont visible en raw ici

Tout d’abord il faut créer le fichier config/unicorn.rb dans le répertoire de votre application ruby.

Exemple :


Voici son contenu :

# Set the current app's path for later reference. Rails.root isn't available at
# this point, so we have to point up a directory.
app_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..')
# The number of worker processes you have here should equal the number of CPU
# cores your server has.
worker_processes (ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'production' ? 4 : 1)
# You can listen on a port or a socket. Listening on a socket is good in a
# production environment, but listening on a port can be useful for local
# debugging purposes.
#listen app_path + '/tmp/unicorn.sock', backlog: 64
listen "", :tcp_nopush => true

# For development, you may want to listen on port 3000 so that you can make sure
# your unicorn.rb file is soundly configured.
listen(3006, backlog: 64) if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'development'
# After the timeout is exhausted, the unicorn worker will be killed and a new
# one brought up in its place. Adjust this to your application's needs. The
# default timeout is 60. Anything under 3 seconds won't work properly.
timeout 300
# Set the working directory of this unicorn instance.
working_directory app_path

# Set the location of the unicorn pid file. This should match what we put in the
# unicorn init script later.
pid app_path + '/tmp/unicorn.pid'

# You should define your stderr and stdout here. If you don't, stderr defaults
# to /dev/null and you'll lose any error logging when in daemon mode.
stderr_path app_path + '/log/unicorn.log'
stdout_path app_path + '/log/unicorn.log'
# Load the app up before forking.
preload_app true

# Garbage collection settings.
GC.respond_to?(:copy_on_write_friendly=) &&
  GC.copy_on_write_friendly = true

# If using ActiveRecord, disconnect (from the database) before forking.
before_fork do |server, worker|
  defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) &&

# After forking, restore your ActiveRecord connection.
after_fork do |server, worker|
  defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) &&

Bien faire attention au port de l’application. Ici, unicorn écoutera sur le port 3004 sur la loopback car il y a un serveur apache sur le même serveur qui fera office de reverse proxy :

listen “”, :tcp_nopush => true

Vous pouvez tester votre fichier conf à l’aide de cette commande :

bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb

Si l’application démarre bien, il vous reste à créer l’init script ( exemple : /etc/init.d/redmine ) qui doit contenir ceci :




# File: /etc/init.d/unicorn

# Provides:          unicorn
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: starts the unicorn web server
# Description:       starts unicorn
# Feel free to change any of the following variables for your app:

# ubuntu is the default user on Amazon's EC2 Ubuntu instances.

# Replace [PATH_TO_RAILS_ROOT_FOLDER] with your application's path. I prefer
# /srv/app-name to /var/www. The /srv folder is specified as the server's
# "service data" folder, where services are located. The /var directory,
# however, is dedicated to variable data that changes rapidly, such as logs.
# Reference https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview for
# more information.


# Set the environment. This can be changed to staging or development for staging
# servers.

# This should match the pid setting in $APP_ROOT/config/unicorn.rb.

# A simple description for service output.
DESC="Redmine - $RAILS_ENV"

# If you're using rbenv, you may need to use the following setup to get things
# working properly:
RBENV_RUBY_VERSION=`cat $APP_ROOT/.ruby-version`
SET_PATH="cd $APP_ROOT && rbenv rehash && rbenv local $RBENV_RUBY_VERSION"
# Unicorn can be run using `bundle exec unicorn` or `bin/unicorn`.
UNICORN="bundle exec unicorn"
# Execute the unicorn executable as a daemon, with the appropriate configuration
# and in the appropriate environment.
UNICORN_OPTS="-c $APP_ROOT/config/unicorn.rb -E $RAILS_ENV -D"
# Give your upgrade action a timeout of 60 seconds.

# Store the action that we should take from the service command's first
# argument (e.g. start, stop, upgrade).

# Make sure the script exits if any variables are unset. This is short for
# set -o nounset.
set -u

# Set the location of the old pid. The old pid is the process that is getting
# replaced.

# Make sure the APP_ROOT is actually a folder that exists. An error message from
# the cd command will be displayed if it fails.
cd $APP_ROOT || exit 1

# A function to send a signal to the current unicorn master process.
sig () {
  test -s "$PID" && kill -$1 `cat $PID`

# Send a signal to the old process.
oldsig () {
  test -s $old_pid && kill -$1 `cat $old_pid`

# A switch for handling the possible actions to take on the unicorn process.
case $action in
  # Start the process by testing if it's there (sig 0), failing if it is,
  # otherwise running the command as specified above.
    sig 0 && echo >&2 "$DESC is already running" && exit 0
    su - $USER -c "$CMD"

  # Graceful shutdown. Send QUIT signal to the process. Requests will be
  # completed before the processes are terminated.
    sig QUIT && echo "Stopping $DESC" exit 0
    echo >&2 "Not running"

  # Quick shutdown - kills all workers immediately.
    sig TERM && echo "Force-stopping $DESC" && exit 0
    echo >&2 "Not running"

  # Graceful shutdown and then start.
    sig QUIT && echo "Restarting $DESC" && sleep 2 \
      && su - $USER -c "$CMD" && exit 0
    echo >&2 "Couldn't restart."

  # Reloads config file (unicorn.rb) and gracefully restarts all workers. This
  # command won't pick up application code changes if you have `preload_app
  # true` in your unicorn.rb config file.
    sig HUP && echo "Reloading configuration for $DESC" && exit 0
    echo >&2 "Couldn't reload configuration."

  # Re-execute the running binary, then gracefully shutdown old process. This
  # command allows you to have zero-downtime deployments. The application may
  # spin for a minute, but at least the user doesn't get a 500 error page or
  # the like. Unicorn interprets the USR2 signal as a request to start a new
  # master process and phase out the old worker processes. If the upgrade fails
  # for some reason, a new process is started.
    if sig USR2 && echo "Upgrading $DESC" && sleep 10 \
      && sig 0 && oldsig QUIT
      while test -s $old_pid && test $n -ge 0
        printf '.' && sleep 1 && n=$(( $n - 1 ))

      if test $n -lt 0 && test -s $old_pid
        echo >&2 "$old_pid still exists after $TIMEOUT seconds"
        exit 1
      exit 0
    echo >&2 "Couldn't upgrade, starting 'su - $USER -c \"$CMD\"' instead"
    su - $USER -c "$CMD"

  # A basic status checker. Just checks if the master process is responding to
  # the `kill` command.
    sig 0 && echo >&2 "$DESC is running." && exit 0
    echo >&2 "$DESC is not running."

  # Reopen all logs owned by the master and all workers.
    sig USR1

  # Any other action gets the usage message.
    # Usage
    echo >&2 "Usage: $0 "
    exit 1

Attention à bien modifier la constante APP_ROOT correspondant au chemin de votre application.

Mettre les droits d’éxecutions sur le fichier init :

chmod +x /etc/init.d/redmine

De plus, si vous utilisez rbenv, il faut créer le fichier .ruby_version dans le répertoire de l’application comme ceci :

echo 2.1.0 > .ruby-version

ou 2.1.0 est la version de ruby que j’utilise

Voila, il ne vous reste plus qu’à tester :

/etc/init.d/redmine start


source : https://launchschool.com/blog/setting-up-your-production-server-with-nginx-and-unicorn

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